Women in DSO®

Male Allyship

5 min. to read

In the evolving landscape of gender equality and gender parity, male allyship has emerged as a powerful force driving positive change in our organizations. Allyship is people, (usually referring to men) actively supporting and advocating for opportunities for women, both in personal and professional spheres. Allyship is invaluable, not only to the women supported and sponsored, but also to the men themselves and the organizations they are a part of.

Allyship is the next step beyond mentorship: as mentors, we work with others to identify areas of opportunity and growth, and how to achieve them. With allyship, we sponsor and advocate for another person, advancing their name and ideas, ensuring senior leadership is aware of their skills and talents, and ensuring these women leaders get the recognition and opportunities they deserve that will propel them and their companies forward.

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